SeaQuill Writers

- Recommended Services -

Looking for some help?

From here, you can find services our members have used or have heard good things about; services like editors, cover designers, formatters, and anything book-related. Need marketing help? You might find that here, too. The list will be as comprehensive as we members make it. We can’t guarantee that everyone will like the same ones, so the more we recommend, the better for everyone. 

Type of Service

Editor, Formatter, Cover Designer, Agent, Publisher, Social Media Expert, Marketing Expert, Website Designer, Website Manager, Virtual Assistant/PA, Other….

Helpful Website

Advice for Writers, Book Promotion, Place to Advertise, Social Media Exposure, Writers’ Forum, Book Reviews, Author Interviews, Shop for Swag, Other…

Upcoming Events

Conference, Convention, Book Signing, Live Training, Other Type of Event… 

Who do YOU recommend?

Here’s where we can help each other by recommending a service or a website we’re happy with. Granted, the service or website you recommend may not be for everyone, but the same is true for services other people liked that might not be for you. At least we’ll know that someone is happy with it, and it might be just what we’re looking for.

We can also let each other know about an upcoming event, like a conference or a book signing opportunity. Simply click on one of the buttons.

SeaQuill Writers

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